We commit ourself to providing Civil, Electro-Mechanical Construction and Services as per Customer requirements in a consistent, reliable, efficient and timely manner. We ensure the highest standard of service and customer satisfaction by adhering to our quality policy which includes the following:
1. Ensure that quality objectives are established, reviewed, maintained and communicated at all levels of the organization, with the aim of continual improvements in our processes in order to enhance customer satisfaction, and the processes operates efficiently and effectively.
2. Achieve compliance with the requirements of the quality management system as well as applicable legal and statutory requirements by continually reviewing and improving its effectiveness so that all customer and relevant stakeholder requirements are met.
3. Understand and satisfy our customer requirements through communication and skills to achieve the ultimate aim of zero defects.
4. Ascertain that all our personnel understand and fully implement our Company’s policies and objectives and are able to perform their duties effectively through ongoing training and development programs.
We are dedicated to providing a safe and healthy workplace and conducting its business activities in a manner that protects the environment and in the overall welfare of all our personnel, customer, subcontractors and communities. To achieve these objectives, all company projects shall adhere to the following principles:
1. Identification and evaluation of all HSE hazards or aspects and the management of those risks to reduce their impacts to acceptable levels.
2. Compliance with all applicable HSE legislation.
3. Prevention of incidents, injuries, and pollution.
4. Intolerance of the conditions and behaviours that contribute to incidents and injuries.
5. Reduction of waste and conservation of resources.
6. Recording and communicating HSE performance throughout the organization.
7. Ensuring proper training, resources & engineering design if required.
8. Continual improvement of HSE performance.
The Managing Director together with the senior management shall visibly uphold these principles throughout the company and integrate them into the company’s HSE policy and management system and regularly review HSE performance.
Management and supervisory personnel shall be responsible for implementing and maintaining the Company’s HSE policy and Quality, Health, Safety and Environmental Management System (QHSE). Regular QHSE audits shall be done to determine conformance to the QHSE Management System.
Each employee, whose work may create a significant HSE impact shall be trained and held accountable for complying with the Company’s HSE Policy and related procedures, practices, instruction and rules. Working safely and in an environmentally appropriate manner are conditions of employment. Each employee has duty to report workplace conditions or practices that pose a safety hazard or threaten the environment and to take reasonable actions to alleviate such risks.
Employee is responsible for recognizing that by risking incident or injury, they are putting in jeopardy what they value and those they care for.
* Chairman
Co-ordinate with the different member of the organization to ensure that appropriate policies and procedures are in place for the effective management of the organization.
* Managing Director
Responsible for overall management.
* Project Manager
Responsible for ensuring all construction activities on a specific project are carried out on time at the budgeted level, to the required specifications, at the required level of quality.
* Commercial Manager
Responsible for financial management of projects, recognizing business opportunities and putting together bids to win new business as well as negotiating and agreeing contracts.
* Admin/Finance
Responsible for maintaining the financial health of the organization
* Manager Quality Assurance/ Senior Engineer
Responsible for the development and implementation of the quality management system in organization.
* Site Engineer
Offers advice in planning, co-ordination and supervision of technical aspects of construction projects.